Camp Matthews

Camp Matthews, known as Marine Rifle Range, La Jolla prior to the entrance of the United States into World War II, was a firing range located where UCSD is now. At its peak during the war it brought as many as 9,000 men through every 3 weeks. Marines marched up from downtown San Diego, practiced shooting their rifles, and left. Camp Matthews closed its doors in 1964 when the city and local businessmen convinced them to leave, helping to fulfill the UC Regent's promise to build a campus in San Diego.

Date/sMarch 22, 1942 –August 20, 1964
Taxonomymilitary » base » Camp Matthews
NRHP classificationinstitution-military
Location32.87763977050781, -117.2370376586914
  1. "Historic California Posts: A Brief History of the U.S. Marine Corps in San Diego" by WO1 Mark J. Denger, California Center for Military History
See alsoMetal object from Camp Callan site William Brigham 517A University Center (former Camp Matthews building) Stuart Collection Storage (former Camp Matthews building) Seaweed Canyon Quonset Storage (former Camp Matthews building) Cross Cultural Center (former Camp Matthews building) 517 University Center (former Camp Matthews building) 409 University Center (former Camp Matthews building) 401 University Center (former Camp Matthews building) 302 University Center (former Camp Matthews building) 301 University Center (former Camp Matthews building) 202 University Center (former Camp Matthews building)
Record createdJune 19, 2011
Camp Matthews