Cubic Defense Applications: Combat Training Systems

San Diego defense contractor that recruits at UCSD Career Fair. From their website: "Cubic's Defense Group supplies live, constructive and virtual military training systems, mission support services and communications technologies to the U.S. Department of Defense, government agencies and allied nations."

"Founded and headquartered in San Diego, CA since 1951, Cubic is the parent company of three major business segments. Cubic's businesses are primarily engaged in the design, development, manufacture, integration, and sustainment of high technology systems, products, and services for government and commercial customers. With fiscal year 2010 sales of $1.194 billion, Cubic employs nearly 8,000 people worldwide." (1)

Air Combat Training Systems, Ground Combat Training Systems, Tactical Engagement Simulation Systems

Taxonomybusiness » arms industry » communications » training
NRHP classificationinstitution-business-defense
Address9333 Balboa Ave, San Diego, CA
Location32.8220100402832, -117.13116455078125
Budget$1.285 billion FY 2011 $1.194 billion FY 2010 (2)
  1. Cubic website
  2. Cubic Annual Report
See alsoDefense Contractors recruit at UCSD Job Fair Cubic Defense Applications: Information Operations Division Cubic Defense Applications: Cubic Worldwide Technical Services Cubic Defense Applications: Communications and Electronics Business Unit
Record createdMarch 4, 2012