Defense Contractors recruit at UCSD Job Fair

The UCSD Triton Job and Internship Fair attracts employers who create technologies for the military. Students line-up at booths, resumés in hand, while defense contractors distribute marketing brochures, keychains, and logo emblazoned stress balls.

The defense contractors, subcontractors, and military agencies that recruit at UCSD job fairs and influence curriculum by funding defense-related student and faculty research are some of the largest in the world. They include:

- BAE Systems
- Cubic Corporation
- General Atomics
- Lockheed Martin
- Northrop Grumman Corporation
- Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne
- Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
- Sentek Consulting
- United Technologies Corporation
- U.S. Air Force, Navy, and Marines.

Date/sJanuary 15, 2008
Taxonomybusiness » arms industry » spending » recruiting
NRHP classificationinstitution-business-defense
Location32.878849029541016, -117.23759460449219
  1. UCSD Career Services Center
See also Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) San Diego Headquarters General Atomics Northrop Grumman Consolidates Presence In San Diego
Record createdJune 24, 2011
Defense Contractors recruit at UCSD Job Fair