General Atomics Electronic Systems

General Atomics is a nuclear physics and defense contractor headquartered in San Diego, California. Among other things, it is the manufacturer of the Predator unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).

Date/sDecember 31, 1954
Taxonomybusiness » arms industry » nuclear » weapons
NRHP classificationinstitution-business-defense
Address4949 Greencraig Ln, San Diego, CA
Location32.827205657958984, -117.1248550415039
  1. Website
See alsoDefense contractors help to found UCSD Project Orion developed by General Atomics at Camp Elliot General Atomics General Atomics Aeronautical Systems General Atomics General Atomics General Atomics Photonics Division General Atomics Nuclear Waste Processing Facility NWPF-1 General Atomics Nuclear Waste Processing Facility NWPF-2 General Atomics Nuclear Waste Processing Facility NWPF-3
Record createdApril 12, 2008
General Atomics Electronic Systems