List of documents by the California Department of Toxic Substances Control regarding explosives in the soil at Camp Elliot

Public Notice: Notice of Public Comment and Review Period for the Mission Trails Regional Park - May 2007
Public Notice - Proposal to Investigate Ordnance and Explosives In the Soil - February 2005
Public Notice - Proposal to Clean up Ordnance and Explosives in the Soil At Camp Elliot for Sycamore Canyon Landfill Expansion - July 2004
Public Notice - Proposal to Clean up Ordnance and Explosives in the Soil at Mission Trails Regional Park - June 2003
California Environmental Quality Act Draft Initial Study
California Environmental Quality Act Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration

Date/sDecember 31, 2002 –December 31, 2006
Taxonomymedia » text » Camp Elliot
NRHP classificationdocument-text
Location32.893192291259766, -117.10818481445312
  1. California Department of Toxic Substance Control
Record createdApril 12, 2008