Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) [4224 Campus Point Ct]

SAIC is a large technology firm with numerous federal, state, and private sector clients, and has worked extensively with the United States Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community, including the National Security Agency. In fiscal year 2003, SAIC did over $2.6 billion in business with the United States Department of Defense, making it the ninth largest defense contractor in the United States.

The list of defense-related products and services is staggering. Some that stand out.

Aviation/Unmanned Vehicles, Cybersecurity, National Security, Combat Systems (games and training)

Date/sDecember 31, 1968
Taxonomybusiness » arms industry » development
NRHP classificationinstitution-business-defense
Address4224 Campus Point Ct, San Diego, CA
Location32.88791275024414, -117.2257080078125
  1. Science Applications International Corporation
  2. SAIC; Wikipedia
Record createdApril 15, 2008
Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) [4224 Campus Point Ct]