Untitled (1991), Michael Asher

Michael Asher's, Untitled (1991), is located on the University of California, San Diego campus. It is a replica of a commercial drinking fountain found in office buildings and academic institutions. Asher's piece describes context, a time and space. It reactivates the monument by forcing those who drink from it to face the its direction and look to the past. It situates itself within the changing environment of this space, a site of Marine training and now again a place of training.

Date/sDecember 31, 1990
Taxonomymilitary » installation » military » education
NRHP classificationdocument-artwork
AddressMyers Dr., UCSD
Location32.878929138183594, -117.23624420166016
  1. UCSD Stuart Collection
See alsoCamp Matthews
Record createdApril 11, 2008
Untitled (1991), Michael Asher