US Army service cap and dress uniform (WWII era)

This service cap and dress uniform was worn worn by a member of the Army during World War II. The patch above the right breast pocket is the Honorable Service Lapel Pin (a.k.a. Ruptured Duck) was an award given to United States military service members who were discharged under honorable conditions during World War II.

The pin, which depicted an eagle inside a wreath, served as proof to military police that its wearer was not absent without leave. During the World War II emergency, members of the armed forces (unless under orders) were forbidden to possess civilian clothing, in order to make desertion more difficult.

Item lent temporarily by the Veterans Museum and Memorial Center, San Diego, CA

Taxonomymilitary » soldier » U.S. Army » uniform
NRHP classificationproperty-object
Location32.895877838134766, -117.24472045898438
  1. Veterans Museum and Memorial Center
  2. Honorable Service lapel pin (Wikipedia)
See alsoCamp Callan
Record createdApril 16, 2008