William Brigham

Bill Brigham served in the Marines 1961-64 and did his rifle training at Camp Matthews. Twenty years later he returned for graduate studies. Upon discovering the memorial to Camp Matthews he realized he had returned to his former place of training.

"I first came to the campus of UCSD in 1981 as a 40-year old graduate student in sociology and happened upon the plaque memorializing the previous tenant, the United States Marine Corps. I realized that I was standing where I had stood or, more likely, run 20 years before as a Marine Corps recruit."

Link to interview coming soon.

Date/sDecember 31, 1960 –December 31, 1963
Taxonomymilitary » soldier » U.S. Marines
NRHP classificationindividual-person
Location32.87760543823242, -117.23468017578125
  1. "Looking Back: Camp Matthews" by William Brigham
See alsoCamp Matthews
Record createdJune 19, 2011
William Brigham