Learn Javascript

Browser Extensions

Tutorials, references, and tips for cross-browser extension development

About Extensions

  • Browser extensions are software that add features to a web browser.
  • A browser extension is built using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
  • Extensions can use special features of the browser to add useful or even playful functions.
  • Follow one of the tutorials below to learn how to build extensions.

Tutorial > Browser Blowup Tutorial

An introduction to browser extensions, starting with the basics and building up to an extension that can detect web trackers and explode web pages.*

* Originally published in the Signal Culture Cookbook Vol.2 (2019), the Browser Blowup tutorial has been updated to Manifest v.3 (2022). Also see this video (44:41)

Tutorial > MDN Web Docs Tutorial

  1. What are extensions?
  2. Your first extension
  3. Anatomy of an extension
  4. Building a cross-browser extension
  5. Example Extensions (Github)
  6. Content scripts

Tutorial > Advanced

Sample Browser Extensions


Cross-browser compatibility


See links above for platforms.


  1. Zip extension files
    • Chrome: Zip the extension/ directory
    • Firefox: Zip only files inside the extension/ directory
  2. Remove hidden files from the Firefox version (see this page for details)
  3. Upload to respective web stores (see above)

Working with storage

For an extension to store data that can persist across different web pages and domains you have two options: Use a remote server, or store it locally in the browser.

Web Storage API

Anything you store from your extension content scripts is shared with (and attached to) the user's current web domain. So...

  • ✅ Easy to view with Dev Tools (Application > Local Storage)
  • ❌ Data does not persist across web pages; attached to the specific domain

Alternately, from an extension background script....

  • To share data across different web pages using localStorage you must use messaging between your content and background pages (manifest v3 requires all backend scripts to use service workers), which have a chrome:// URI (thus linked to the extension, not the domain).

  • ⚠️ Difficult to view with Dev Tools

  • ⚠️ Browser extension ✅ service workers can store data (but content scripts require messaging)

Additionally, for extension development, keep in mind that:

  • ⚠️ Data must be serialized / deserialized using JSON.stringify()
  • ⚠️ Synchonous (large amounts of data can create latency)
  • ❌ Data will not persist if users clear browsing history and data for privacy reasons


localStorage.setItem('myObject', JSON.stringify({"message":"hello"}));

browser.storage and chrome.storage

chrome.storage lets extensions to store data in a location that isn't accessible to normal web pages.

  • Can be used from (both!) Browser extension ✅ content scripts and ✅ service workers
  • ✅ Asynchronous (Promise-based)
  • ✅ Data will persist if users clear browsing history and data for privacy reasons

One caveat, in Chrome, JavaScript APIs are accessed under the chrome namespace. In Firefox and Edge, they are accessed under the browser namespace. But, Firefox supports both the chrome and browser namespaces. You can fix it with

if (typeof browser === "undefined") {
	var browser = chrome;

Here is an example of chrome.storage

let obj = { message: 123 }
let results = chrome.storage.local.get('abc')
//  { message: 123 }


Quick method

  1. From chrome://extensions open the service worker for your extension
  2. In DevTools, run the following in the console chrome.storage.local.get(console.log)

For ongoing development

  1. Install https://github.com/jusio/storage-area-explorer
  2. Get your extension id at chrome://extensions
  3. Open chrome-extension://<your_extension_id>/manifest.json


Another option - complex to use unless you have a go-between

FAQ & Tips >

FAQ > Is there a hot reload tool for extension development?

Yes! See this StackOverflow answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/56380458/441878

FAQ > What web browsers should I target?

There are many web browser brands, but most are based on just three browser engines "types".

FAQ > What are some notable examples of browser extensions?

FAQ > Issues with CSS and browser extensions

CSS from web pages will affect ("pollute") display properties in your extension, often messing up your own styling. For example, if this rule is set on a page your extension then html that you show in the content scripts will inherit it:

p { color: red; }

FAQ > Issues with CSS and browser extensions

These tips help ensure your code won't inherit other styles (listed in increasing potential to protect your own):

  • Use uncommon class and id names. This works unless the styling rules are applied very broadly (like above).
  • Wrap all your code within a unique class or id.
  • Use !important on all your rules.
  • If all else fails, explicitly set a default for every property in your extension.
#uniquePrefix p { color: black !important; }

FAQ > Common Errors and Issues

Uncaught Error: Extension context invalidated.

The error, Uncaught Error: Extension context invalidated, can occur when you update an in-development extension and then interact with a web page without refreshing the page to get the newly updated extension. The issue is that the (now outdated) content scripts injected and running on the page have attempted to access an extension that no longer exists (since it was updated).

Presentation comments ...

--- ### Contents 1. [Browser Blowup Tutorial](#hello-world-tutorial) - Introduction to browser extensions 1. [More Tutorials](#more-tutorials) - Mozilla, Chrome, etc. web tutorials 1. [Sample Browser Extensions](#sample-browser-extensions) - Code samples to get started 1. [Documentation](#documentation) - Cross-browser compatibility, publishing, packaging 1. [FAQ & Tips](#faq-tips) - Browsers, specific issues