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Node & Express

Introduction to Node + Express

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About Express

  • Express is a Node.js framework for creating web applications
  • It provides several built in tools for creating backends and APIs
  • Express simplifies much of the work to create endpoints and link components for full-stack applications

Express Basics

👉 The following steps walk through a simple Express site

Source: Express > Getting started

Install Express

👉 Create your project folder, install express

# make a new directory and move to it
mkdir express-site && cd express-site  
# initialize a node project in the new directory, add a package.json file
npm init                               
# install express, saving it to your package.json file
npm install express --save 
# run the project and restart on changes (press Ctl-C to terminate)

Source: Getting started > Install express

Hello world example

👉 Create a new file named server.js inside this project and add:

const express = require('express'); // import package
const app = express(); // create express app
const port = 3000; // the port to access
// add routes
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
	res.send('Hello World!');
// start server and listen on <port>
app.listen(port, () => console.log(
	`Express started on http://localhost:${port}`

Source: Getting started > Hello world example
See also: Brown Ch3 Saving Time with Express (21-30) & Ch4 Tidying Up (31–39)

Basic routing

👉 Add these routes with new HTTP methods and endpoints. Test them with Postman

// this is the same as the route above
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
	res.send('Hello World!')
// the same endpoint as above with POST
app.post('/', (req, res) => {
	res.send('Got a POST request')
// an "API" is simply an endpoint + JSON response
app.get('/api', (req, res) => {
	res.json({"message": "Hello, world!"})

Source: Getting started > Basic routing


  • Middleware allows you to add functionality to the "call stack" as needed.
  • Any function can be middleware by adding the (req,res,next) parameters and calling next() at the end to go to the next function in the stack.

👉 Try the example

// log the url
let logger = (req,res,next) => {
	console.log(`url: ${req.url}`)		
	next() // continue call stack

// add middleware to each request
app.use (logger);

Source: Guide > Writing middleware
See also: Brown Ch10 Middleware (113-120)


You can also add middleware to any page or endpoint by including the name as a parameter in the route.

👉 Try the example

// check if user is logged in
let auth = (req,res,next) => {
	if (true) // authentication check
		// continue call stack
		return next(); 
	// redirect to signin page	

// add middleware to this request only 
app.get('/dashboard', auth, (req, res) => {
	res.send('Hello Admin!')

Source: Guide > Writing middleware
See also: Brown Ch10 Middleware (113-120)

Static files

To serve static files (images, CSS, client-side JS), use the express.static middleware built-into Express.

👉 Try the example

// serve static files from project root; /public => foo.com/

const path = require('path');
// serve files from working dir; ./public => foo.com/
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));
// serve files *as folder* from wd; ./uploads => foo.com/uploads
app.use('/uploads', express.static(path.resolve('./uploads')));

Source Getting started > Static files
See also: Brown Ch17 Static Content (215-221)

Express application generator

👉 Generate a new app (see express -h for options)

# generate a new express project in a new directory, using handlebars
npx express-generator --view=hbs myapp
# change into it
cd myapp
# install dependencies
npm install
# start "myapp" (see package.json), tell node to turn on logging
DEBUG=myapp:* npm start

*Note you can also use handlebars for frontend

The app structure created by the generator is just one of many ways to structure Express apps. Feel free to use this structure or modify it to best suit your needs.


Source: Getting started > Express application generator

Presentation comments ...

--- ## Use modules for organization ```js ``` <details class="caption slides-small"> <summary>References</summary> - w3schools [modules](https://www.w3schools.com/nodejs/nodejs_modules.asp), [http module](https://www.w3schools.com/nodejs/nodejs_http.asp), [file system module](https://www.w3schools.com/nodejs/nodejs_filesystem.asp), [url module](https://www.w3schools.com/nodejs/nodejs_url.asp) </details> --- ## Testing **Overview**: How to use linters and write unit and integration tests ```js // 1. add and use custom module const fortune = require('./lib/fortune'); app.get('/about', (req, res) => { res.render('about', { fortune: fortune.getFortune() }); }); // 2. ``` #### Homework - [Brown](https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/web-development-with/9781492053507/): - Ch5 Quality Assurance (41–58) - Exercise: Add testing to Meadowlark Website --- ## Requests and Templating **Overview**: How to ... Express request, response, Handlebars, MVC ```js const tours = [ { id: 0, name: 'Hood River', price: 99.99 }, { id: 1, name: 'Oregon Coast', price: 149.95 }, ]; app.get ('/api/tours', (req, res) => res.json(tours)); ``` - Lecture: [Node, Express, Handlebars, Heroku - Part 1 - Set up a node express project template ](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/17bIeMMJnZQy-tb3GLhMC3JuTfcgMEOqnK4WsCt52CLM/edit#slide=id.gafb807d421_0_39) - Demo: [omundy/sample-node-express-cat-api](https://github.com/omundy/sample-node-express-cat-api) and ~~[live demo](https://sample-node-express-template.herokuapp.com/)~~ #### Homework - [Brown](https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/web-development-with/9781492053507/) - Ch6 Request and Response (59-72) - Ch7 Templating with Handlebars (73-88) --- ## Forms and Sessions **Overview**: How to ... Express web forms, sessions ```js app.get ( '/newsletter', handlers.newsletter ); app.post ( '/api/newsletter-signup', handlers.api.newsletterSignup ); ``` - Lecture: [Node, Express, Handlebars, Heroku - Part 2 - Use API data, add a frontend](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/17bIeMMJnZQy-tb3GLhMC3JuTfcgMEOqnK4WsCt52CLM/edit#slide=id.gbcac1199e9_0_15) - Demo: [omundy/sample-node-express-username-generator](https://github.com/omundy/sample-node-express-username-generator) and [live demo](https://sample-node-express-username.herokuapp.com/) #### Homework - [Brown](https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/web-development-with/9781492053507/) Ch8 Form Handling (89-100) & Ch9 Cookies and Sessions (103-112) --- ![node logo](../../assets/img/logos/logo-node-ltgreen-75w.png) &nbsp; ![express logo](../../assets/img/logos/logo-express-200w.png) # Node Express Part.2 Using Node, Express for server-side, desktop, and mobile application development --- ## Express and databases **Overview**: How to ... ```js const mongoose = require ( 'mongoose' ); const { connectionString } = credentials.mongo; mongoose.connect ( connectionString ); ``` #### Homework - [Brown](https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/web-development-with/9781492053507/) Ch13 Persistence (147-172) #### Review - [MVC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model%E2%80%93view%E2%80%93controller), [Revealing Module](https://gist.github.com/zcaceres/bb0eec99c02dda6aac0e041d0d4d7bf2#file-revealing-module-pattern-md), and other [Javascript Design Patterns](https://addyosmani.com/resources/essentialjsdesignpatterns/book/) --- ## Advanced routing ```js app.get ( '/user(name)?', ( req, res ) => res.render ( 'user' )); app.get ( '/staff/:name', ( req, res ) => { const info = staff [ req.params.name ]; if ( !info ) return next (); // will eventually fall through to 404 res.render ( 'staff', info ); }); ``` <details class="caption slides-small"> <summary>References</summary> - [Brown](https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/web-development-with/9781492053507/) Ch14 Routing (173-184) & Ch15 REST APIs and JSON (185-192) </details> --- ## Express SPAs **Overview**: How to ... ```js import React from 'react'; // ... ``` <details class="caption slides-small"> <summary>References</summary> - [Brown](https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/web-development-with/9781492053507/) Ch16 Single-Page Applications (193-212) </details> --- ## Production <details class="caption slides-small"> <summary>References</summary> - [Brown](https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/web-development-with/9781492053507/) Ch11 Sending Email (121-131) & Ch12 Production Concerns (133-145) </details> --- ## Express security, APIs **Overview**: How to ... ```js const passport = require ( 'passport' ); const db = require ( '../db' ); // ... ``` #### Homework - [Brown](https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/web-development-with/9781492053507/) - Ch18 Security (223-248) - Ch19 Third Party APIs (249-263) --- ## Express debugging, production **Overview**: How to ... ```bash node inspect index.js ``` #### Homework - [Brown](https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/web-development-with/9781492053507/) - Ch20 Debugging (265-275) - Ch21 Going Live (277-288) - https://heroku.com/ - Ch22 Maintenance (291-300)