Data Basics

How computers store data, and encode files and text

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  1. Introduction
  2. How do computers store data? 5 min
  3. Bits and Bytes 5 min
  4. Character encoding 5 min
  5. File encoding 5 min
  6. Discussion 5 min
  7. Keep practicing
  8. References


Review the following sections and perform the activities on your own or with your group.

Perform the task(s) when you see this πŸ‘‰ emoji

Learning Objectives

Students who complete the following will be able to:

  • Recall how computers store and use binary data
  • Organize data storage amounts by their respective sizes
  • Use conversion tools to demonstrate binary, and ASCII and Unicode character encoding standards
  • Define character encoding and file encoding
  • Use the command line to examine text- and binary-encoded files

Complete the following to prepare for this module

How do computers store data?

  • Most modern computers use SSDs (solid state drives) to store data (text, photos, videos, etc.) by representing the content of these files using electrons.
  • Imagine millions of tiny switches inside your computer, and each can each be either on or off.

Since a switch can be in only one of two states, this single binary value, the smallest unit of data a computer can store, is aptly named one bit.

  1. The on/off binary symbols are ubiquitous on mechanical interfaces
  2. The ⏻ "power on" symbol on computers
Power ON OFF
Boolean true false
Binary 1 0
Symbol ⏽ ⭘

The values of a switch with their binary, boolean, and symbolic equivalent.

Bits and Bytes

The switches that store binary data are grouped in bundles of 8 bits, or 1 byte. While a switch can be in only one of 2 states, each switch in a row of n switches can be in one of 2n (2*2*2*2*[...]) states! This table describes common file size units and corresponding examples.

Unit Symbol Value Example size
1 bit bit 0 or 1 a boolean value (e.g. true)
1 byte byte 8 bits a single text character
1 kilobyte KB 1024 bytes a multipage text document
1 megabyte MB 1024 kilobytes a medium-resolution photo file
1 gigabyte GB 1024 megabytes a feature length movie
1 terabyte TB 1024 gigabytes a hard drive
1 petabyte PB 1024 terabytes

πŸ‘‰ Try it out

  1. Let's confirm the above information about a byte. Enter a single alphetical character a into this BitCounter and ByteCounter. You should see it is equal to 8 bits and 1 byte, respectively.
  2. The binary representation of the Latin character a is 01000001. But if you plug that sequence into a Binary to Decimal Converter it will return not a letter, but the number 65. Why?

Character Encoding

Character encoding is the process by which computers store and represent text by assigning numbers (and their binary equivalents) to alphanumeric characters.

The ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) (~1963) is based on the English alphabet and encodes 128 characters which each use 7-bits.


As computing expanded, more character sets were added to accommodate other languages, characters, and symbols.

The Unicode standard (1988) uses one to four 8-bit bytes to represent up to 1,112,064 possible letters, numbers, and emoji and ensure everyone sees the same character across all devices and languages.

UTF-8 is currently the most popular version of this standard and now includes 143,859 characters, including non-visible characters such as the carriage return.

πŸ‘‰ Try it out

  1. Count the bits using this tool for each of the following lines of text. Try to guess the outcomes first! Some of these will not produce what you may think. Do you know why?
01234 56789

πŸ‘‰ Try it out

  1. Convert binary data to text using the binary representations (below) of the above examples with the Binary to ASCII and Binary <> UTF-8 converters. One of these tools will only be able to convert some sequences, do you know why?
01100001 01100010 01100011
00110000 00110001 00110010 00110011 00110100 00110101 00110110 00110111 00111000 00111001
00110000 00110001 00110010 00110011 00110100 00100000 00110101 00110110 00110111 00111000 00111001
11000011 10111100
11000011 10110001
11110000 10011111 10011000 10000010

πŸ‘‰ Try it out

  1. Compare ASCII to Unicode The first 128 characters of UTF8 are based on the ASCII standard. If you compare the below table to the ASCII chart above you will find a slight discrepancy. Yet you can still convert each to the appropriate text character. Do you know what the discrepancy is?
ASCII b i t s
Binary 01100010 01101001 01110100 01110011
Decimal 98 105 116 115

πŸ‘‰ Try it out

  1. Count the bits
    1. These numbers 01234 56789 are each 8 bits, but so is the space character between them since whitespace (spaces, tabs, returns) also require storage. So the total is 88.
    2. Foreign characters like ΓΌ and Γ± were not included in the ASCII standard. They are covered by Unicode, and each require 16 bits.
    3. Most emoji require 32 bits or 4 bytes πŸ˜‚
  2. Convert binary data to text Since ASCII can only represent 7 bits, anything over 1 byte will fail if converted to ASCII. Instead you have to convert to UTF-8 text.
  3. Compare ASCII to Unicode ASCII only required 7 bits for each character 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2, but Unicode just adds a zero at the beginning of the binary sequence since it is 1-4 bytes.

File encoding

File encoding describes how files are viewed and saved by software.

While all data on computers is stored on the hard disk as binary data, some file types use binary file encoding, and others use text file encoding.

A typical example is a .txt file. If you open a text file in a plain text editor (e.g. Notepad on Windows, or TextEdit on Mac) you can see and edit the text contents.

Other files, like most image files, cannot be edited in a plain text editor.

The previous photo of a cat is displayed by an application that can read and render the image data as pixels on a screen.

On the right is the binary representation of the same file's data using hexdump. Columns 1-3 show the hexidecimal data of the file and the last column displays any ASCII data that can be read, including (like most file types) the file's extension on the first line.

πŸ‘‰ Try it out

View contents of a binary file on the command line with hexdump.

  1. Save the cat.png image file and cat.txt plain text file to your computer.
  2. Use the command line to navigate to the folder where you saved the files cd /path/to/your/files/
  3. Run each of these commands to view the contents. What do you notice?
hexdump -C cat.png
hexdump -C cat.txt

To summarize...

Binary-encoded files

  • Stored as bits (binary 1s and 0s) and may include multiple types of data in the same file (e.g video and audio), as well as ASCII data representing meta information about the file type.
  • More efficient to store and access but sometimes proprietary software is required and files can easily become corrupted.
  • Examples .jpg .png .pdf .mp4.

Text-encoded files

  • Also stored as bits, but represented by actual text characters.
  • You can open text files in many types of editors.
  • Examples .txt .html .css.

File vs. character encoding

File encoding is not the same as character encoding. If you can open and read a file in a plain text editor (e.g. Notepad on Windows, or TextEdit on Mac) it is a text file. However, if the content of the file appears as mostly garbled text, it is a binary file.


A `.png` file opened in TextEdit

πŸ‘‰ Try it out Compare other files on your computer

  1. Find other examples of each type of encoding on your own computer.
  2. Open them in a plain text editor or use hexdump to see what type of file encoding they use?
  3. What clues can you see in the binary formats to tell you about the filetype or other metadata?

Keep practicing


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