Data Types

Learn about specific data types used in programming, visualization, gaming, etc.

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  1. Introduction
  2. About data types 5 min
  3. Primitive data types 5 min
  4. Explore data types in the console 5 min
  5. Type conversion 5 min
  6. Data collections 5 min
  7. Data exchange formats 5 min
  8. Advanced topics 5 min
  9. Keep practicing
  10. References


Review the following sections and perform the activities on your own or with your group.

Perform the task(s) when you see this πŸ‘‰ emoji

Learning Objectives

Students who complete the following will be able to:

  • Define and compare data types, as well as strongly- and loosely-typed programming languages
  • List common data types and recall examples of each
  • Explain what a data collection is and provide examples
  • Use appropriate types to create data representations of real world examples

Complete the following to prepare for this module

About data types

A data type defines the kind of data that is stored or used by a program.

Most languages organize data by primitive and non-primitive types. These diagrams show the most common data types in Javascript and C# languages.

js data types

The primitive and non-primitive organization structure (a.k.a. value vs. reference) also explains how data is stored in computer memory and affects software production and performance. See Advanced Topics for more.

js data types

Data Values

A data type is different than its value. In this C# example below, 7 is the value of the mid variable and int (integer) is its type.

// Unity C# example
public class Monster
    int mid = 7;
    float health = 0.20f;

Strong vs. loosely-typed

Some programming languages (e.g. C#, Java, Python) are strongly typed, requiring programmers to predefine what kind of data they are using in variables, parameters, functions, etc. before they actually use them.

Other, loosely typed languages like Javascript, Perl, and PHP, do not require programmers to define their type ahead of time.

// javascript example
var mid = 7;
var health = 0.20;

Primitive data types

These common primitive data types (and examples) can be found across many strong- and loosely-typed programming languages and databases.

πŸ‘‰ Presenter Note: Demonstrate these with typeof in the DevTools Console.


The boolean type can only have one of two values:


Most programming languages have a default value for a type. When you create a new boolean variable in a strongly-typed language it will be false by default.


Integers (a.k.a. int types) are used to store whole numbers.



Numbers with decimals, also called floats ("floating-point numbers").


Unlike many other languages, Javascript does not distinguish int from float numbers.


A string is any grouping of letters, words, numbers, or character symbols surrounded by single or double quotes, or back ticks.

"hello world πŸ˜€"
'2 be or not 2 be'
`favorite numbers: 1, 2, and 3.14`


Just as there are types that represent data, there are types that represent NO data

  • Null is a zero value. A special β€œvalue” that represents NO value!
  • undefined is the value of a variable that has not been assigned a value.
var myVar;
myVar // -> undefined

Explore data types in the console

An expression is any unit of code that resolves to a data value. Expressions are the fundamental building blocks of code, and use data ("operands") with operators to perform math, logic, or string calculations.

πŸ‘‰ Try it out

  1. In a web browser, open the Developer Tools and click Console.
  2. At the bottom, you will see a > prompt where you can enter (input) Javascript code.
  3. Primary expressions - If you pass data to Javascript it will simply return that value.

πŸ‘‰ Try it out

  1. Adding an arithmetic operator and another data value will prompt Javascript to evaluate the code, multiplying the values to return (output) the new value 144 produced.
12 * 12
  1. If you use the typeof operator, Javascript will return a string describing the data's type.
typeof 12

πŸ‘‰ Try it out

  1. If you combine expressions, Javascript will evaluate each in the appropriate order. What will these return?
typeof (12 * 12)
typeof (typeof (12 * 12))
typeof "hello world!"
typeof (12 * 12) // -> "number"
typeof (typeof (12 * 12)) // -> "string" - The 1st returns "number", a string value, to the 2nd
typeof "hello world!" // -> "string"

πŸ‘‰ Try it out

  1. A data's value and its type are not the same thing. What type are these?
555 // -> "number"
"555" // -> "string"
`false` // -> "string"
true // -> "boolean"

Type conversion

Many programming languages allow you to convert a data's type. In Javascript, type conversion can happen intentionally (a.k.a. "explicit conversion"), such as when you use built-in functions to initiate the conversion.

typeof Number("555") // -> "number"
typeof String(555) // -> "string"

Type coercion

It can also happen when it automatically converts your data to another type (a.k.a. "implicit conversion" or "type coercion"). For example, when you use the + operator with two numbers then Javascript will perform arithmetic. But, if one of the operands is a string it will automatically convert all data types to string and then concatenate them into a larger string.

var test = 10;
test + 1 // -> 11
test + " apples" // -> "10 apples"

Data collections

In addition to primitive data types like boolean, number, and string, many programming languages have types classified as data collections, which can include arrays, objects, as well as more complex entities, hierarchical collections, and lists.


Most languages use the array type to store one or more instances of the same type (or even different types) of data. The instances are separated by commas, enclosed in square brackets. In Javascript, these are both valid arrays:

var numbers = [4,3,2,1];
var greeting = ["hello", "world"];

In Javascript, you can assign or retrieve individual cells from arrays like below. Arrays are zero-indexed so providing 1 between the square brackets gives you the 2nd value:

greeting[1] // -> "world"

The array data type is a common way to store tabular data (rows and columns). To do this, we use an array of arrays, or "two-dimensional array", where each row is its own array:

var cars = [
    ["make", "model", "year"],
    ["Pontiac", "Vibe", 2009],
    ["Honda", "Fit", 2007],
    ["Chevrolet", "Blazer", 2000],
    ["Toyota", "RAV4", 1999]

To get a "cell" in this table, use the following notation, where the first number is the row, and second is the column:

cars[1][0] // -> "Pontiac"

πŸ‘‰ Try it out

  1. Copy / paste the cars array into the console and press return. The data is now saved there.
  2. You can log the above example using console.log() by placing the reference to the data point inside the parentheses, like this: console.log(cars[1][0])
  3. Log the notation to access the Chevrolet's model only.
  4. Log the notation to access the Honda's year.
  5. Log the notation to access the make of the car built in 1999.
console.log(cars[3][1]); // -> "Blazer"
console.log(cars[2][2]); // -> 2007
console.log(cars[4][0]); // -> "Toyota"


Javascript contains its own definition of objects, which is slightly different than the way that other languages use objects and classes.

let artist = {
    name: "Miles Davis",
    instrument: "trumpet"

Javascript objects are powerful types because you can store any type of data in them, even arrays, other objects, and functions.

var singer = {
    "name": "Bruce Springsteen",
    "albums": [
            "name": "Born to Run",
            "year": 1975
        }, {
            "name": "Born in the U.S.A.",
            "year": 1984
        }, {
            "name": "The Ghost of Tom Joad",
            "year": 1995

With Javascript, each data value is assigned to a key, and you access the value using using dot notation. So above, we can access the singer's name using:; // -> "Bruce Springsteen"

πŸ‘‰ Try it out

  1. Copy / paste the singer object into the console and press return. The data is now saved there.
  2. Log the singer's name.
  3. Log the name of the singer's first album. Keep in mind that you are accessing a value in an array stored inside the key, albums.
  4. Log the year of the singer's third album.
console.log(; // -> "Bruce Springsteen"
console.log(singer.albums[0].name); // -> "Born to Run"
console.log(singer.albums[2].year); // -> 1995

Use jsfiddle to explore these primitive and complex data type examples.

Data exchange formats

Data collections can be stored inside code files, or more often, imported from external files, databases, or API servers. Data exchange formats help to standardize how data is stored and transmitted when you import external data and generally fall into one of the below categories:

  1. Tabular data exchange formats (e.g. CSV, TSV)
  2. Hierarchical data exchange formats (e.g. JSON or XML).

See this lesson for more on data exchange formats

Tabular Data

Tabular data is a collection of data values arranged in rows and columns. The following is an example of tabular data, displayed in a table:

make model year
"Pontiac" "Vibe" 2009
"Honda" "Fit" 2007
"Chevrolet" "Blazer" 2000
"Toyota" "RAV4" 1999


While Excel or Google Sheets might store and display tabular data by adding lines to describe the cells where rows and columns meet, the actual data values in those cells are usually stored (and transmitted) as Comma-separated values.

The above dataset as a CSV (datasets/cars.csv) looks like:

"make", "model", "year"
"Pontiac", "Vibe", 2009
"Honda", "Fit", 2007
"Chevrolet", "Blazer", 2000
"Toyota", "RAV4", 1999

CSV is one of the most common ways that tabular data is stored (in .csv files), exchanged across spreadsheets, flat files, and databases, though you can technically delineate the columns with any unique character.

Note that each row should contain the same number of columns, even if the cell is empty.

More on CSV:


JSON ("JavaScript Object Notation"), based on the Javascript object type, is popular for sending data across networks.

Like Javascript objects, they are hierarchical, use key:value pairs to store data, and are contained within curly braces.

{ "key": "value" }

One drawback to JSON is that it can be sensitive to syntax errors. JSON documents (.json) must validate or they won’t work. For example, unlike a regular Javascript object, all JSON keys must be wrapped in double quotes.

The cars dataset represented as JSON (datasets/cars.json) looks like:

    "cars": [{
            "make": "Pontiac",
            "model": "Vibe",
            "year": 2009
        }, {
            "make": "Honda",
            "model": "Fit",
            "year": 2007
        }, {
            "make": "Chevrolet",
            "model": "Blazer",
            "year": 2000
        }, {
            "make": "Toyota",
            "model": "RAV4",
            "year": 1999

More on JSON:


XML (Extensible Markup Language) is another common hierarchical format for storing and transporting data.

XML shares some features with JSON, since it is also a hierarchical data collection. However it has decreased in popularity because, unlike JSON, XML documents need a higher file size to store and transmit the same data values because, like other markup languages (e.g. HTML), they require open and closing "tags" for every data value. XML is called "extensible" because (unlike HTML) you can name the elements anything you like.

The cars dataset represented as XML (datasets/cars.xml) looks like:


More on XML:


πŸ‘‰ Try it out

In your group, create one dataset to represent each of the following. Select an appropriate data exchange format for each, and check to make sure the dataset is valid!

  1. A person and five of their attributes.
  2. Your top 10 movies of all time and the year they were released.
  3. Three different attributes of six different quadrupeds.

Advanced Topics

Memory implications

Data types are important because some data types require more storage than others.

For example, if you store "12345678" in a database as a string, it will require 8+1 bytes. Whereas, the same value 12345678 stored as an integer type only requires 4 bytes.

Value vs reference types

Many programming languages organize data types by primitive and non-primitive types. This structure, often called value vs. reference, is about how and where the data is actually stored in memory and used by the language.

For example, when you use a value type in a program and send it to a function, a new copy of that data, its "value", is passed to the function. But, when you define a reference type the data is stored in only one location (the "heap"), and when you pass it to other functions then only a pointer or "reference" to that location in memory is passed.

Reference types are created on the heap, value types are created on the stack. If you create too many copies of a value type then you can crash your program thanks to a "stack overflow".

Keep practicing


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