Learn Computing

Active Learning Modules for Computer Literacy


  1. Select an activity (one that is new to you, starting from the top).
  2. Follow the instructions in the activity. You can work on your own or with others.
  3. Make notes while you engage with the material. How would you put the concepts in your own words to teach the concepts to others?
  4. Each module takes about 20–30 minutes. You may be asked to share what you have learned.


Essential knowledge for working with computers.

The Command line - slides | md The Filesystem - slides | md
Keyboard shortcuts, Workflows - slides | md Git Version Control📌 - slides
Files and naming conventions - slides | md


Understanding networks and setting up a development environment.

Web Development Environment - slides | md Networks - slides | md
Web servers - slides | md


Working with images, video, and color.

Images and video 📌 - slides | md Color 📌
Documenting digital works - slides | md Displays and monitors - slides | md


Working with data and APIs.

Data Basics - slides | md Data types - slides | md
Data cleaning - slides | md How to use APIs - slides | md

📌 = in-progress


Owen Mundy Learn Computing: Active Learning Modules for Computer Literacy 2021.


This work is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International