
Tips for documenting your creative and technical work

slides | md


  1. Introduction
  2. About
  3. Capture everything
  4. Start a Google Doc
  5. Screenshots and videos
  6. How to make a screenshot 5 min
  7. Source code
  8. Collect it all
  9. Edit a video
  10. White paper


Review the following sections and perform the activities on your own or with your group.

Perform the task(s) when you see this 👉 emoji

Learning Objectives

Students who complete the following will be able to:

  • Explain why documentation is important
  • List methods for documenting one's work
  • Use different methods to show their creative process


  • You completed your project and turned it in. The last thing you want to do right now is think about it.
  • Six months later, you are in a job interview and someone asks to see examples of your work.
  • The problem is, you've slept since then, nothing is live anymore, and you didn't document it.

Capture everything

If you document your process from the outset, it will help:

  • Create the work, tracking progress from conception to completion.
  • Archive iterations, concepts, and successes and failures that you can reference later.
  • Tell the story of your project to parents, professors, peers, potential employers, grad schools, award committees, other academics, the world.

Continue reading for examples and tips...

Start a Google Doc

Collect documentation in a Google Doc and paste links, images, notes, etc. as you progress.

  • Research (articles, artworks, concepts) while developing the concept.
  • Methods (different mediums, practices, tools, etc.) you considered and tested.
  • Progress (insights, discoveries, interesting knowledge gained) towards your goal(s).
  • Versions distinct working examples of successive phases of your project?

Screenshots and videos

Add screenshots to your project folder as you progress through a project. The filenames will be ordered by date automatically.

Made with Giphy Capture

How to make a screenshot

You may already know the basic command for capturing a screenshot, but these can level-up your ability to capture stills on a computer:

Screenshot type Mac Windows [1]
Capture entire screen Cmd+Shift+3 Windows+PrtScn
Drag to select a portion of screen Cmd+Shift+4 Windows+Shift+S
Capture a single window Cmd+Shift+4+Space Alt+PrtScn
Cancel screenshot Esc (Escape) Esc (Escape)

How to make a screencast

Capturing videos of your screen

Name Cost Platform Comments
Quicktime Free Mac Choose File > New Screen Recording
Screenflow $129 Mac Amazing tool and editor. Can capture computer audio too.
Giphy Capture free any(?) Create GIFs or MPGs of your screen
Record screen with phone $0 Any Don't do this please :-)

Create a video

Videos are great for incorporating the whole story. For example, in both Immaterials: light painting WiFi and My little piece of Privacy, the videos:

  • Tell the story dramatically, with music, a story, and/or a narrator or text subtitles.
  • Combine text, footage of the object, game, or working interface, and screencasts of the command line.
  • Are published online for the world to see, share, or embed.

Source code

Sharing source code has never been more convenient:

  • Make it live on Github or in a Gist so that others can see and use it.
  • Attribute others (name, URL, etc.) in a comment preceding any code you borrowed.
  • Consider adding a CC or open source license to your repository so others might do the same.
 * Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius:
 * Credit: W3Schools Javascript Examples
function toCelsius(f) {
	return (5/9) * (f-32);

Collect it all

Combine all of the above (the code, statements, screenshots/videos, images, flowcharts) into a single document, preferably that is online and you can share with others:

  • Edit multiple segments, text, and other documentation into a video
  • A Google Presentation or slide deck
  • A white paper (see next slide) published online as a PDF or web page

White paper

White papers offer a common format to document, discuss, and share research-based projects. In your document should:

  • Include a statement (800–1200 words) explaining the ideas behind your project.
  • Document your process with images, sketches, flowcharts, links to videos.

Suggestions for preparing such reports:

White paper examples

Artistic / Cultural


Presentation comments ...

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